1) remember when scarjo was all cute and making out with topher grace in that movie whose name i can't remember but i KNOW you have seen? now she's trying to be all mia farrow v.2 and it's not working because woody allen is now just a parody of a parody of himself and you know he has dirty old man dreams about her and that is ick.
2) why does this remind me of that time (about 8 minutes ago)when i read that elijah wood is dating a member of gogol bordello and couldn't help but roll my eyes because, you know, he WOULD.
1. In Good Company was actually a pretty good fluffy little movie. Maybe I'm just saying that because I love Topher. You know what, I'm going to come out and say it, I didn't like the movie Annie Hall. So there, Woody Allen.
this is basically the best representation of this what-have-you that i have ever seen or could conceive of. kudos and earplugs all around.
claire tarlson, you just made my day.
1) remember when scarjo was all cute and making out with topher grace in that movie whose name i can't remember but i KNOW you have seen? now she's trying to be all mia farrow v.2 and it's not working because woody allen is now just a parody of a parody of himself and you know he has dirty old man dreams about her and that is ick.
2) why does this remind me of that time (about 8 minutes ago)when i read that elijah wood is dating a member of gogol bordello and couldn't help but roll my eyes because, you know, he WOULD.
that's all i need to say about that.
- kt
1. In Good Company was actually a pretty good fluffy little movie. Maybe I'm just saying that because I love Topher. You know what, I'm going to come out and say it, I didn't like the movie Annie Hall. So there, Woody Allen.
2. Oh, Elijah.
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